Question bank software for digital assessment items management

Testinvite assessment software comes with an easy-to-use and efficient question bank.

Online Assessment Software
You can associate your questions with multiple tags and store them inside folders so that later on you can quickly find the right set of questions.

Saving the Questions in the Question Bank

When a question is saved, it is automatically placed in the question bank over the folder and tag values. Therefore, all you have to do when saving the question is to specify the folder and the associated tags of the question.

You can easily determine in which folder and with which tags the questions will be saved.
While creating questions, you can easily determine in which folder and with which tags the questions will be saved.

The Testinvite question bank is easy to use, practical and extremely efficient. For example, adding a question to a folder does not need to be created first. Simply specify in which folder the Question should be saved. If there is no folder, the system will automatically create a new folder with the name you entered and place it in the question bank. The same approach applies to tags.

The question bank offers you an interface where you can access the questions you want easily and quickly through the folders and tags you have specified while saving the questions.

You can filter questions that are saved in the question bank to display 
                            the ones you want to see.
Through folders and tags, you can filter questions that are saved in the question bank to display the ones you want to see.

The location of a question in the question bank is determined by the question's folder and tags. Therefore, if a question's folder and tag values are updated, the question's position in the question bank will also be updated automatically.


Folder names consist of simple text. You can write the folder name you want and collect and store your questions in these folders.

Questions that you store in the question bank will be grouped under folders.


A tag consists of the tag name and tag value. For example, if you want to set the difficulty level of a question as easy, you can write the difficulty level as the tag name and easy as the tag value.

Assessment management is easier now with features of exam software

In order to add a tag to a question you can fill in the "tag name" and "tag value" boxes and then press ADD button.

If you want to add a tag to a question but do not want the tag to be listed in the question bank, you can add "_" to the beginning of the tag name.

Set listing options of a tag in the question bank
If you add "_" to the beginning of the tag name, the icon highlighted with the star symbol in the picture above indicates that the tag will not be listed in the question bank.

Listing of Questions

The question bank automatically saves the folders and tags of all saved questions and lists them for you to access.

To list the questions you need, you can simply choose related folder and tags.

If you want to narrow down the list of questions you want to reach even more, you can choose multiple tags. In this case, only questions with selected tag values are listed.

You can filter questions in your question bank according to more criterion by augmenting the number of tags you choose.

The order of the questions

You can specify the order of the questions listed in the question bank. The system will automatically list the values you can sort.

You can change the order of the questions according to their tags after listing questions.

Bulk Update of Questions Position in Question Bank

You can bulk update the folder and tag values of many questions. For this, you can choose one of the following bulk update actions.

  • You can update the folder of many questions at once.
  • You can update folders and tags together for multiple questions at once.
  • You can add tags to many questions at once.
  • You can remove a tag from many questions at once.
  • You can rename a label of several questions at once.
After listing questions, you can update the folder or tag values of choosen questions.

Bulk Export and Import of Questions

  • You can export the questions in the question bank in JSON format.
  • You can transfer bulk questions to the question bank. For this, you can use the bulk import templates prepared for questions.
You can export your questions to the question bank by Excel import templates created specially for question types (number of options, number of tags, etc.).

Adding Questions from the Question Bank to the Assessment

You can add your questions in the question bank to the assessments you want. You can quickly find the questions you want to add through folders and tags, and add them at once.

Creating a Pool of Questions from the Question Bank for the Assessment

If you want the assessment you have created to randomly select questions from a set of questions in the question bank, you can create a question pool through the question bank and specify how many questions you want to be randomly selected among these questions.

You can diversify questions to be asked in assessments by allowing the system to pick random questions from the questions you chose from the question bank through folders and tags.

Transferring the Questions Created in the Assessment to the Question Bank

If you have created the assessment questions in the assessment while creating the assessment, you can also select the questions you want from the assessment creation editor and save them in the question bank.

Create your own question bank with assessment management software

You can easily store questions in the question bank even that are created inside the assessment creation page.

Content and Question Groups

The question bank saves the questions one-by-one. But sometimes you want to record many questions as a group or even with some content. As an example, 3 questions structured on a reading passage can be considered. In this case, keeping the questions in the question bank may not be the right approach. Because these questions alone do not make sense apart from the reading passage. For such cases, you can make many questions and content into a content group and save it.

You can save questions that will be always presented together by content groups.

You can still make use of folders when storing content groups. You can nest folders in content groups.

Organizing content groups into nested folders
You can organize content groups into nested folders to facilitate access to the content groups you need.

Start creating your online question bank with Testinvite today