Question types

Different questions you can create and their features

Create questions where test-takers select from provided options. Set the minimum and maximum selections allowed. Choices can be marked as true or false, or you can assign percentage scores for weighted answers.

You can create true-false questions that require the respondent to decide if a statement is 'true' or 'false.' It's a binary question with only two possible answers.

You can create dropdown questions, enabling respondents to select their answers from a dropdown menu provided for the choices.

You can design matching questions where a list of items is presented in the left column, and for each item on the left, respondents can match it with one of the provided options

You have the option to craft sorting questions, where the respondent must reorder a list of items into a specific sequence. These items can include words, phrases, images, or any content type. Respondents are presented with a list of items and are tasked with arranging them correctly by assigning each item a numerical position.

You can design questions that require responders to provide short written text responses as their answers. The system can automatically evaluate the provided answer by comparing it to a predefined list of correct answers.

You can design a question that provides responders with a dedicated area for entering numeric answers exclusively. The numeric format can be customized to accept only numbers in a specified valid format, including delimiters and thousands separators. The system can automatically assess the answers by establishing predefined automatic grading criteria.

You can create a question where you construct a table and specify which cells responders are required to complete. Customize each cell with static text or leave it blank, and indicate the cells that should be filled in with values.

You can generate reading passages, short or long, and link them to one or more questions. These questions may include multiple-choice, short-text answers, matching, and other types, all connected to the reading material. The reading text can be positioned either on the left or right side of the page, with the questions on the opposite side.

A video question is a type of assessment question that involves a video clip and accompanying questions to evaluate the test-taker's understanding and comprehension of the video content.

A listening question is a type of assessment question that requires the test-taker to listen to audio or spoken content and then answer questions based on what they have heard.

You can create a question that enables responders to answer by using the provided recorder software to record their voice. Additionally, you have the option to configure parameters such as the number of recording attempts allowed and the maximum time limit for each recording.

You have the capability to design a question that offers responders a coding editor for submitting answers by writing code. You can choose the programming or scripting language for the editor and even set the initial state.

You can craft questions in which responders can use the video recorder to capture their webcam footage for their responses. You can customize the number of allowed attempts and set the maximum recording duration.

You can design questions in which responders are required to upload a file as their response.

You can create a question where the responder is expected to answer by taking a picture using their webcam or taking a screenshot of their device or computer.

You can create questions to measure psychometric aspects, either by mapping the entire question to a dimension or by assigning each choice to a specific aspect, allowing you to build your custom psychometric tests.

You have the flexibility to build composite questions by grouping custom content blocks with any number of related questions. These content blocks can include various types of content, such as text, images, audio, video clips, and more. The questions within the composite can take on various formats, allowing you to create a series of questions centered around the same content.

You can design text-based questions that require responders to transcribe content presented in images. Responders are prompted to reproduce the text exactly as it appears in the provided image.

You can create Audio Transcription Questions where responders are presented with audio content and are required to transcribe it by typing exactly what they hear. These questions assess listening comprehension and typing accuracy, making them ideal for evaluating a respondent's ability to convert spoken words into written text.

You can create questions that incorporate mathematical expressions or formulas using the built-in mathematical editor. This versatile tool allows you to construct mathematical expressions or formulas using the user interface or by directly writing LaTeX or KaTeX expressions.

You can generate various types of objective questions that the system automatically grades based on the responder's answers. These question types include, but are not limited to, multiple-choice questions, matching questions, short-text answer questions, and numeric input questions.

You can design questions that require manual evaluation by designated evaluators. Evaluation can be conducted by inputting percentage scores, point values, or utilizing custom-built rubrics tailored to the question.

You have the option to design questions with a right-to-left text orientation. Similarly, you can enable responders to provide text answers in a right-to-left format.

You can integrate an on-screen keyboard into your questions, allowing responders to utilize a visual keyboard on their device while entering text. Our on-screen keyboard supports multiple languages, including English, French, Arabic, Russian, Italian, Hebrew, German, and Spanish. Additionally, you can include partial keypads with special characters, providing assistance for test-takers who may not have physical keyboards to answer questions as required.

You can set up validation rules to automatically validate text answers as test-takers enter their responses, providing warnings as needed. If a responder submits an answer that does not pass validation despite the warnings, the answer will be recorded but automatically marked as invalid.

All objective questions, including multiple-choice, matching, sorting, and short answer questions, can be automatically evaluated and graded by the system. Each type of objective question offers diverse grading methods. Additionally, you can write a custom JavaScript function to assess the provided answers.

You can create custom feedback content for questions, which provides information about the correctness of the submitted answer and offers explanations for incorrect responses. The delivery of feedback depends on the exam configuration. In practice mode, feedback is provided after each page of questions is submitted. Alternatively, in normal mode, test-takers can access their questions, answers, and feedback after the exam concludes.

You have the option to include additional content within a question that becomes visible to the responder when they click on the 'Hint' button. This feature allows you to customize the label of the hint button and provide supplementary information as needed. Hints are designed to offer extra guidance when required and are hidden by default to conserve screen space.

You can create and assign a custom rubric for a question. The rubric can be used to evaluate answers provided to the question, allowing test authors to define evaluation criteria, grading levels, and their descriptions. Evaluators can either select from the provided levels or enter a score for each criterion, and the rubric automatically calculates the evaluation score based on pre-configured criteria weights. It's worth noting that there are multiple kinds of rubrics, each catering to different styles of evaluation practices. Rubrics are instrumental in ensuring unbiased, objective, and standardized evaluations.

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