Authoring test questions

Creating and administering test questions

All Guides in Authoring test questions Category

38 articles
Creating test questions Generating questions for your tests
→ Extra features Specialized features with a specific role
→ Adding hint Providing additional clue or suggestion
→ Adding feedback Configure feedback options for a question
→ Adding a sidebar Including additional content on the side
→ Attaching a file Adding a file into the question
→ Adding video clip Including video content into test questions
→ Adding audio clip Creating listening questions
→ Adding image Utilizing images in the test question
→ Formatting the question text Styling the text of a question
→ Composing a test question Drafting a test question
Multiple choice questions Creating answer choices
→ Alignment of choices Vertical, horizontal and grid displays
→ Dropdown list Displaying choices in a dropdown list format
→ Importing in bulk Using the import templates
→ Quick paste tool Fast creation by pasting text
→ Scoring Calculation of scores and points
Input questions Input questions and various ways the user can respond.
→ Creating a rubric You can create rubrics to create grading guidelines.
→ Importing input questions Importing input questions through excel file
→ Take a picture questions Take a picture via webcam or a screenshot as an answer.
→ Interview questions Record video as answer with speaking questions.
→ Speaking questions Record audio as answer with speaking questions.
→ Coding questions Select a programming language and accept written code as an answer.
→ File upload questions Upload files as answers.
→ Fill-in-a-table question Create Fill-in-a-table questions.
→ Writing question Create questions with a rich text editor to allow customization of text and adding various media types to your answers.
→ Auto-evaluation by Javascript function Develop your own evaluator javascript function
→ Auto-evaluation rules Use input evaluation to automatically grade text and numeric input types .
→ Validation of text and numeric inputs Use input validation to give custom error messages in case of wrong input.
→ Numerical entry question Create questions with numerical answers.
→ Text entry questions Questions with plain text entry answers.
Matching and sorting questions Create questions with diversive option pools and match or sort them as answers.
Content groups Grouping related questions and content
→ Fill in the blank questions Grouping text entry and MCQs
Scoring and point system Calculating test question scores and points
→ Side effects Measuring tendencies and traits
→ Dimensions Utilizing dimensions in scoring

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