This endpoint lets you fetch multiple tasks under your organization. You can apply filters and pagination to your request using query parameters.
Query Parameters | Expected type | Default |
mode | "basic" | "detailed" | "basic" |
limit | number | 10 |
page | number | 1 |
title | string |
tasks: (Basic | Detailed)[];
pagination: {
totalItems: number;
totalPages: number;
currentPage: number;
limit: number;
next: string | null;
previous: string | null;
The type of the tasks depends on the value of mode provided in the query parameters. If the value of mode is "basic", the task object in the response will be in this type:
// "basic" task object:
taskId: string;
title: string;
createdAt: number; //seconds
If the value of mode is "detailed", you will receive all of the properties from "basic" and also these properties:
// "detailed" task object:
Basic & {
organizationId: string;
favorite: boolean;
folder: string;
labels: string[];
tags: Record;
lang: "default" | "tr" | "en" | "es" | "fr" | "nl" | "it" | "sr" | "sv" | "de" | "no" | "ru" | "pt";
accessMethod: "invitation-code" | "single-credential" | "double-credential" | "no-auth";
active: boolean;
activeAfter: number | null; // seconds
activeBefore: number | null; // seconds
steps: {
id: string;
title: string;
active: boolean;
activeBefore: number | null; // seconds
activeAfter: number | null; // seconds
attemptLimit: number;
test: {
testId: string;
organizationId: string;
source: "own-test" | "marketplace" | "talent-library-test" | "recruitment-test-library"
| "free-recruitment-test-library" | "free-talent-library-test"| "trial" | "unknown";
webcamRecording: "NONE" | "PHOTO" | "VIDEO";
screenRecording: "NONE" | "SCREENSHOT" | "SCREENCAPTURE";
fullscreen: boolean;
postAiProctoring: boolean;
practiceMode: boolean;
programs: {
uuid: string;
name: string;
stages: {
uuid: string;
name: string;
emailTemplates: {
name: string;
subject: string;
privateChatEnabled: boolean;