To configure the settings of the test, click on the blue gear icon located next to the red preview button.
Naming the test
You can provide a name for your test.
Limiting test-taker navigation options within section pages
By default, test-takers are allowed to navigate among the sections of the test.
One exception to note is for timed sections, as they can only be visited once by the test-taker and cannot be navigated back to again.
You have the option to restrict the test-taker's navigation within the sections of the test by selecting different settings.
Allow going forward & backward: The default option that allows the test-taker to navigate freely among the sections of the test.
Allow only going backward: With this option, the test-taker can navigate to sections that have already been visited but can only visit upcoming sections in the given order, without jumping to sections that come after the following section.
Don't allow going forward and backward: This option prevents the test-taker from freely navigating among the sections of the test. With this option, they can only visit the sections in the given order one by one
You should note that the navigation settings of the test only apply to how the test-takers can move between sections. If you want to limit the navigation of the test-taker within the pages of each section, you need to configure it within the section settings of that specific section.
Setting a time limit for the entire test
To set a time limit for the entire test, simply turn on the Time limit option and enter the desired number of minutes.
Please note that in addition to setting a time limit for the entire test, you can also set time limits for individual sections and pages. The time limit for a section is set within its settings, while the time limit for a page is set within the page's settings.
Randomizing the order of sections for each test-taker
Select the Shuffle sections option if you would like the order of the sections within a section are randomized for each test-taker.
You can mark certain sections to keep their order by selecting the "Keep the order fixed" option. This will prevent those sections from being shuffled with the other sections when the "Shuffle sections" option is enabled.
To mark a section to keep its order, click on the menu icon located at the same row within the section and select "Keep the order fixed" option.
For each test-taker, the order of the first and second section will be randomized, while the third section will remain in its fixed position.
Since the Shuffle sections option is enabled for the Test, you will notice a shuffle icon (1) next to the Test in the Test Designer.
Click on the menu icon (2) located at the same row within the section and select "Keep the order fixed" option.
Notice that an anchor icon (3) is displayed in the same row as the section that has been marked as "Keep the order fixed."
Auto numbering of test questions
Auto numbering of test questions refers to the automatic assignment of numbers to the questions within a test.
"Auto-number all questions" option automatically assigns a unique number to each question in the test, starting from 1 and incrementing by 1 for each subsequent question until the last question in the test.
"Restart auto-numbering in each section" option will restart the numbering of questions in each section, starting from 1 and incrementing until the last question of that section is reached. This will apply to all sections within the test.
The "Exclude ineffective questions from numbering" option will exclude ineffective questions from being counted and numbered.
Hiding the navigation menu
The default setting for a test includes a navigation menu that enables test-takers to navigate through the sections and pages, subject to any restrictions that may have been set.
If you select the "Hide navigation menu" option, the test-taker will not be provided a navigation menu while taking the test.
Fixing the test headings to stay visible while scrolling
If you select the "Fix test headers" option, the test headings will remain visible at the top of the page even when the test-taker scrolls down, making it easier for them to keep track of their remaining time for the entire test, section or page.
Enabling the calculator for test-takers during the test
You can enable the Calculator option to allow test-takers to use it during the test.
When the Calculator option is enabled, the test-taker can access and utilize the calculator during the test by clicking on the calculator icon provided.
Disabling text selection in the test
Select the "Prevent selection" option to disable the ability of the test-taker to highlight or select text within the test interface, usually done to prevent cheating or unauthorized copying of test content.
Preventing the test-taker from printing the test
Enabling the "Prevent print" option will restrict the test content from being printed via the browser's print function.
Disallowing the use of Google Translate
Select the "Prevent Google Translate" option to prevent the use of Google Translate within the testing interface.
Adding barcodes or QR codes to the testing interface for tracking purposes
The testing interface can include barcodes or QR codes for each question that refer to the test-taker, allowing for tracking in case of screenshot or video recording during the test-taking.
Configuring the default evaluation method for input questions
You can choose to evaluate the answers provided by test-takers for input questions after the test has ended. The evaluation can be done by either providing a percentage score or writing a nominal point value. You can set the default option for evaluating input questions to either percentage score or nominal point value.
Options for managing required questions in a test
You can mark some or all of the questions inside the test as mandatory. You have the option to configure when the test-taker should be forced to provide a response for each mandatory question.
You can choose from three levels of the test to determine how mandatory questions should be handled: for the entire test, for each section, or for each page.
Available options for each level
The "Do Nothing" option means that the test interface will not take any action if the test-taker tries to leave a required question unanswered, neither warn nor prevent them from moving away from the level.
The "Warn" option means that the test interface will provide a warning message to the test-taker if they try to leave a required question unanswered, but it will not prevent them from moving away from that level.
The "Prevent" option means that the test interface will not allow the test-taker to move away from the level without answering all the mandatory questions.
One exception where the test interface ignores your setting is when a page or section cannot be revisited due to either being timed or due to navigation restrictions. In this case, the system will prevent the test-taker from navigating away from the page without answering all the mandatory questions, regardless of your chosen setting.
Example scenario
If the "Do nothing" option is selected for the Page level, the "Warn" option is selected for the Section level, and the "Prevent" option is selected for the Test level, the test-taker can navigate away from a page without answering all the mandatory questions. However, when they try to navigate away from the section that the page is in, the test-taker will be warned about unanswered mandatory questions. Finally, the testing interface will prevent the test-taker from submitting the test without answering all the mandatory questions.
The initial values for each level
When a test has been created, the default option for the Page level is "Prevent" since the test-taker is not allowed to navigate away from a page without answering all the mandatory questions inside the page.
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Mustafa Ekim
Mustafa Ekim, founder of TestInvite and QuizCV, brings nearly a decade of expertise in building online assessment platforms for custom, secure tests.