Critical Thinking Test (Intermediate)
Cognitive & Aptitude

Critical Thinking Test measures candidates' ability to think logically and rationally to reach a goal-oriented conclusion. Ideal for screening candidates in roles like administration, management, law, finance, and data science. Request A Demo
Language English
Time 10 min
Level Intermediate
Questions 7

What it Measures:

  • Analyze and interpret information
  • Identify assumptions and arguments
  • Evaluate cause-and-effect relationships
  • Draw logical conclusions

Ideal for Roles:

  • Data analysts
  • Project managers
  • Financial analysts
  • Software engineers
  • And any role requiring problem-solving and decision-making


  • Reduced Hiring Time: Identify strong critical thinkers early in the process.
  • Improved Candidate Selection: Choose candidates with the potential to excel.
  • Increased Productivity: Hire candidates who can solve problems and make sound decisions.
  • Boost Organizational Performance: Build a team equipped for success.

Multiple Formats:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Situational judgment scenarios
  • Deductive reasoning exercises


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Critical Thinking Test measures the ability to think rationally in a goal-oriented fashion to achieve the desired outcome. Critical Thinking Test evaluates candidates’ abilities to solve syllogisms, understand the course of action, make interpretations and inferences, evaluate cause and effect relationships, and recognize assumptions and arguments.

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