Utilize the Best Online Attention to Detail - Numerical Test for Recruitment
Cognitive & Aptitude

It is required to pay attention to detail to perform well in any job. Testinvite Talent Attention to Detail Test measures the ability to identify errors and inconsistencies in the numerical data given. To answer the questions, candidates are required to match or compare numerical samples and filter numerical information. Testinvite Talent Attention to Detail Test is suitable for pre-employment screening of office-based roles and creative content jobs. Request A Demo
Language English
Time 10 min
Level Intermediate
Questions 9

About the Attention to Detail - Numerical Test (Intermediate)

Attention to detail is the ability to use cognitive resources to complete detail-oriented tasks effectively and accurately. It allows one to stay on task and minimize distractions while working on it. Detail-oriented individuals usually make double-check during their projects and manage their time efficiently. This means they offer sustained productivity and efficiency,

Testinvite Talent Attention to Detail Test measures the ability to comprehend directions and detect inconsistencies and identify errors in numerical data. The test includes tasks that require filtering information, matching or comparing samples, compare statements. The test helps you to identify candidates’ alertness about identifying errors and inconsistencies in the numerical data presented.

Attention to detail is a skill that can be applied to just about any job. In most job settings, those with attention to detail skills perform better. This is because detail-oriented employers ensure that tasks are completed without errors. They produce reliable work, require less micromanagement, and make work life easier. Testinvite Talent Attention to Detail Test is suitable for pre-employment screening of office-based roles such as Accountants, Administrative Assistants, Manager Project Managers, Secretaries, and Statisticians. The test is also suitable for testing candidates’ work with creative content Copywriters, Graphic Designers, and Artists.


We recommend combining Testinvite’s Talent Core Skill Tests to create the best assessment solution for your recruitment process. You can add up to six tests to each assessment.

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Yes, validity and reliability are at the core of our test development methodology. We use advanced statistical methods to make sure the test has validity and reliability. You can find detailed information about our methodology here.

The attention to detail test measures the ability to identify errors and inconsistencies in the data given. To answer the questions, candidates are required to match or compare samples and filter information.

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