Start Your Assessment Business via Partnership Models & Solutions

Testinvite is a reliable assessment system where multiple kinds of assessments, tests or exams can be created and administered. Our business agnostic approach and flexible system architecture make it possible to implement multiple use cases and build new assessment businesses. Learn about the partnership models we offer to facilitate the emergence of new businesses.

Remote work, e-learning and the rising demand for bias-free assessment processes in many areas of life are fueling the demand for remote assessments. Hiring, certification, learning validation, exam preparation and training are going through a fast transformation thanks to what remote assessments make possible. While the assessment market is growing fast in all verticals, and the potential for creating value-add in a variety of domains increases, the entrepreneurs, businesses and institutions are looking for opportunities to get involved and we try to facilitate their success.

Besides the core modules like item banking, assessment creation and assessment delivery, Testinvite offers the tools and the mechanisms to monetize assessment contents, assessment administration services and sales services.

Revenue Share Partner

Assessment creators can create high quality assessments and sell their assessments either directly to consumers or to other organizations through the marketplace. In both cases the assessment creator will collect payment either on its own or through TestInvite. In case Testinvite is involved with collecting the payment, a revenue sharing agreement that leads to a revenue share partner needs to be made between the assessment creator and TestInvite. Please read our article about assessment monetization to learn more about this use case.

Solution Partner

Solution Partners manage an account on behalf of its customers. A language school that administers a foreign language assessment to the students of a high school may be a good example. Another example can be a recruitment agency that delivers assessments to the candidates of the customer. For such use cases becoming a Solution Partner may be very advantageous because when you become a Solution Partner you can buy credits for multiple accounts at once and hence benefit from the greater volume discount tier. Because you administer the accounts of multiple customers, you will always get higher volume discounts compared to what your customers could get alone and hence you can increase your profit margin.

Sales Partner

A Sales Partner is the one who introduces our product to a prospect and puts the effort to demonstrate how the features of the product align with the requirements of the prospect. If the prospect becomes a Testinvite customer, the Sales Partner receives a commission based on the payments made by the customer. The Sales Partner has to inform Testinvite about all the prospect customers that have been contacted so that the commissions can be claimed.

Unlike the Solution Partner, the Sales Partner does not own the account of the customer and hence will have no access to their account unless the customer defines the required permission.

Local Reseller

A Local Reseller is a partner company responsible for the sales of Testinvite in a specific country. Unlike the Sales Partner, the Local Reseller can sell Testinvite’s products to customers that are registered in the country and the Local Reseller is the point of contact of the customer. For each transaction, the Local Reseller issues an invoice to the customer (and collects the payment from the customer) meanwhile Test Invite issues an invoice to the Local Reseller by a flat discount rate.

Bottom Line

Whether you are a Solution Partner, Sales Partner, Local Reseller or a Revenue Share Partner, you will get our full support throughout your journey of building a successful assessment business. Please contact us for any questions or suggestions.

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Illustration of a client contacting Testinvite customer services